Welcome to Suspect Gaming

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About Us

Suspect is a multi-gaming community, whose pedigree spans multiple years of friendship and leadership experience. We believe that a passionate, creative, and devoted community can have a strong influence in any game-verse no matter their size. This is our vision for every game.

How We Play

Our mercenary play style developed during various lucrative ventures in past games. We have proven that we can compete with much larger guilds by effectively balancing leadership and strategy to greatly benefit our member’s ambitions. We know our members want to experience all forms of content together, so Suspect will not limit ourselves as mercenary only. Though fulfilling contracts will be central to our gameplay. All play styles will need to be balanced and valued to fulfill a wide variety of contracts. Suspect understands the importance of employing the working class style as much as mercenaries & smugglers!

Our Goals

Suspect is not trying to claim world or server firsts, while those achievements are possible for us, that is not our goal. Suspect’s past successes indicate we’re capable of governing, however, political desires will not outweigh our mercenary goals. We’d rather be paid a king’s ransom than sit upon the throne!